Monday, December 17, 2007

We have received so many wonderful Christmas cards already and it is so nice to hear from everyone! We just got ours out today and what a task it was to get a good picture. I will post some pictures of the kids the day we were taking them. They really were pretty good and we did get ONE good one so that is all that counts.

In the last couple of weeks we have taken both Regan and Kael to the doctor. Kael's one year well-baby (a little late) and Regan for her cough. They both got shots that day, Kael 6 and Regan 2. Both were screaming so I am glad that Ryan was able to go with me. As for Kael, he is in the 85th percentile for both height and weight and most people refer to him as an OX but Ryan refers to him as his future lineman. When he was born he had a PFO (patent foramen ovale, or a hole in his heart). We were suppose to do a repeat echo at 12 months but his new pediatrician decided that she did not want to put him through that so we will do one at a later date. He is being referred to an opthalmologist due to his eyes. He has always had somewhat lazy eyes and they turn in a bit. This was due to prematurity they say and they just want to check and make sure he doesn't need anything done.

As for Regan we are still struggling with the chronic cough. She was on Singulair for a long time back in SD and she seemed to do well. When we moved here we put off her Dr. appt and finally her cough has gotten so bad that we needed to get her checked out. Her new pediatrician said she is not able to write a script for Singulair (some Colorado law) so we are being referrred to an asthma/allergy specialist whom we aren't able to see until Jan. 9. We returned two days later because she was coughing so much she was gagging and threw up once. They did a chest X-ray that looked fine(which we suspected). She was put on albuterol which is an inhaler(she tolerates this very well) but it doesn't seem to do much for her. The Dr. said she would get her a steroid if this didn't work so that may be our next step otherwise we will wait until Jan.

Tomorrow both Regan and I go to the dentist. This will be Regan's first time and she is very excited. I hope she is just as excited about the dentist next time she goes! She is going to a children's clinic so it should be fine and they are obviously used to working with kids.

Thursday Regan has her Christmas program for school and Ryan will even get to attend! This will be the first event he has been able to go to so she is so happy that he will be there. They are having a party afterward for the kids and their families so we are looking forward to this. She will have the next two weeks off so it may get interesting around here.

My mom and dad will be here on the 22nd and we are very excited to have them come spend Christmas with us. Ryan has Christmas day off so we will be able to celebrate together. They are leaving on the 26th and then we are actually going to Des Moines, Iowa on Jan. 2-3. Ryan got an interview for a second year position at Iowa Methodist Medical Center. We are both very excited for this and hopefully it will all work out. He also has an interview here but it would be for a first year position which would be fine also. Haven't heard from any other ones yet!

Not much else going on except that we finally have some snow. We only have a few inches and it melted a lot today but we should have another dusting by Christmas. All of you skiiers will be happy to know that the slopes are up and running with the several feet of snow they have recieved in the last couple of weeks. Many were worried about the skiing this year but they have been dumped on pretty good!

I will try to update more pictures from Regan's program and Christmas in the next week. We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and we will be thinking of each and every one of you!

Love, The Garrys

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