Saturday, July 4, 2009

We finally have internet!

Wow, it has been a long time since our last post. It has been a crazy busy year but hopefully now we can keep you all up-to-date on everything. Yes, it is the 4th of July and I am on the internet. I am so excited to finally be connected again!
We enjoyed fireworks at the Capitol on Thursday night and will go to see them again tonight.
As many of you know we are expecting #3 in three weeks. We are scheduled for a c-section on July 24th. Regan and Kael are getting very excited for their new sibling.
Regan will be 5 on the 22nd. She has been swimming, playing with friends and riding her bike without training wheels! She got it on the first try and has had a few minor scrapes, bruises and the loss of a fingernail but it hasn't stopped her!
Kael has turned into such a big boy. He will be 3 in August. He loves to ride his bike, swim, play ball and watch his favorite movie CARS! Every morning when he gets up he wants to watch 'My Mac' as he calls it.
Ryan just started year number 3 of his residency. Only three to go! He keeps busy at the hospital and we cherish the time we get to see him. He has good intentions for home improvements but has accomplished only a few of them. He did manage to get the bathroom done after only 4 months and has been working on the landscaping this summer without any help from me. I can't do a whole lot but I can tell him exactly what to do!
I continue to stay home with the kids and try to keep our lives somewhat normal. We traveled a lot in May but our Dr. thought it would be a good idea to stay around home the rest of the summer till the baby arrives. We wanted to make it to July so we are doing good! The other two would have been born by now so we are happy to have made it this far. Last weeks heat was a little much but airconditioning has helped.
We will let you know when the baby arrives and hopefully get pictures up soon after. I will try to upload some pictures of the kids from this summer also.
We hope this finds everyone doing well. There are so many of you we haven't seen or talked to in a long time.

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